Good News: Team USA just needs to beat Mexico today if they want to advance to the WBC semifinals.
Bad News: Roger Clemens gets the start. Clemens just didn't look like himself out there for some reason tonight! Another tough loss for the Rocket. LOL, Rocket chokes!!!
Bad News: Roger Clemens gets the start. Clemens just didn't look like himself out there for some reason tonight! Another tough loss for the Rocket. LOL, Rocket chokes!!!
any idea why Michael Barrett got the start at catcher over Tek?
I've got nothing against Barrett, but you'd think you'd want the captain of the team that made the greatest comeback in the history of sports getting more than one at-bat.
Possible that Tek catching Clemens isn't possible? Why would that be?
On a side note, Mexico deserved this one- they've got the best uniforms in the WBC. Those things are sweet. Whereas the U.S. unis look like some pansy's idea of patriotic lingerie.
Alex, at 9:02 AM
As called! Clemens chokes!
In fact, he choked worse than the score indicates, since that one Mexican player had a HR wrongfully taken away. So it really should've been a little more than 2-1, maybe 3-1 to be fair. The controversy led to a fantastic close-up of my man Esteban Loaiza pointing out the yellow smudge on the ball. Good stuff.
Barrett v. Varitek... there are two possible reasons. 1) Clemens' decision who catches him, maybe he prefers Barrett. 2) Buck Martinez was a horrible, HORRIBLE manager, and just reminded us why with a stupid hunch. Either one leaves us w/ an easy scapegoat.
It does raise a very good question... doing the WBC in spring training means all the good managers are busy, leaving guys who embarrassed themselves in the majors (Martinez) to manage a national team.
Anyway, yes, awesome uniforms. I'm really impressed by all the uniforms. Even the sleeveless ones seemed right to me, which is quite an achievement.
The guy who designed the WBC unis also designed the Nats' unis, which have grown on me. I still don't like the lettering too much, but everything else about them is just right... not goofy in any way. They just feel like major league uniforms, which is tough nowadays. (Ask the Blue Jays and Devil Rays... bleech.)
Jeff, at 11:46 AM
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