Trenadious Monté is Najeh Davenport's middle name. Not his auto-generated Ron Mexico Name, or his auto-generated Ronaldinho Name, or even his plain old Porn Star Name. His middle name by birth. Najeh Trenadious Monté Davenport. Impressive! That name's long enough to make for good bathroom reading.
It is truly one of the all-time great names. It may never be topped.
Jesse, at 6:26 PM
Fun with Brazilname, in case everyone had better things to do:
Alex - Linho
Chas - Budnito or Budninhosa
Jeff - Doucettaldo
Jesse - Willao
Kelvin - Kelva
chas, at 10:20 AM
Don't forget that Fat Cow -> "Ferto"
Jeff, at 11:38 AM
You know, jeff, the last time I Fertoed, I nearly dropped a full Monte in bed at Kelvin's bachelor party.
Alex, at 11:54 AM
Agreed. That was one trenadious Ferto.
Jeff, at 11:58 AM
Oh, and my Ron Mexico name is "Bubba Ontario" when I go by Jeffrey.
Jeff, at 12:03 PM
"Jean Pierre Nova Scotia," which could double as my bizarro canadian name. And if I use my full name, I get "Hunk Micronesia," which is what I'll change my name to when I become a hot shot mafia defense lawyer. Hunk Micronesia: attorney at law.
chas, at 2:27 PM
Danny Papua New Guinea
Not quite as good as Maximillian Ecuador or Hunk Micronesia. Or Ron Mexico, for that matter.
Jesse, at 8:01 PM
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