Postgame Spread
You guys hangin' out? I'll hang out.

Friday, December 08, 2006


I'd been staying quiet about this cause, frankly, I was nervous that a Ted Lilly Contract might be involved. Now that the details are out, I can open my fat yob.

Pettitte to Yankees; 1 year, $16M

Whether you believe the current market dictates that he's worth $16M a year (the same as Bonds, by the way), I gotta say, I love Andy Pettitte, and I LOVE this signing.

Even if he's not an ace, a rotation with Wang, Mussina, Pettitte and Unit isn't too shabby. Hopefully this will also serve as a bridge to Hughes, who will probably be up by mid-season at the latest, but I certainly don't want to rush him. Notice something? Not a PavaNO to be found anywhere in the equation.

I certainly prefer overpaying for one year for quality to overpaying for multiple years for mediocrity.

In short... we still need a setup man, unless Karstens can magically become that, but still...



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