Postgame Spread
You guys hangin' out? I'll hang out.

Thursday, October 13, 2005


From ESPN:

Only a few players were in the clubhouse to clean out their lockers. Reliever Tanyon Sturtze talked about the team's charter flight home after the final loss, a departure delayed for 3½ hours at the Ontario, Calif., airport by mechanical problems, then interrupted by a stop in Houston to change crews.

"That was the most miserable night ever," he said.

More miserable than, ohhh I dunno, the night your hometown team eliminated you from the playoffs after being down 0-3, sending your mediocre ass out of the playoffs and into a 25-way tie for the title of Biggest Loser Of All-Time? Or maybe more miserable than getting your face pounded on national television, and having people recognize you primarily as the guy who was bleeding in the Sox-Yankees fight? Well, no matter which of these three options he thinks is the most miserable, at least he can blame it on the same guy.


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