Postgame Spread
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Thursday, October 06, 2005

Prediction Succeeded: I Am Awesome    

I will now light myself on fire... and put it out by patting myself on the back...

I maintained that Tony Graffanino would destroy this team in the end, and dadgummit if he didn't just do it. Next time you're tempted to fall in love with a player whose primary asset is that he "just plays a good solid [insert position here]"... RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN!!!!!! He's venomous poison... like poison running through your veins. And here's a message for anyone who thought he'd be more helpful than Mark "I Gave You That World Series, You Ungrateful Bastards" Bellhorn:

Enough said on that.

They're still alive, but they sure don't look like they've got much in the tank. And the pre-August White Sox have made a phoenixian rise from the ashes, although hitting against Matt Clement, Bronson Arroyo and Jeremi Gonzeatmyshityouasshole has a tendency to bring that out of a team.

Anyone remember the 1999 Indians? They had Dave Burba as their ace, because their rotation was so dreadful, but they won the AL Central because it was the worst division in years? They went up 2-0 on Boston, who proceeded to win the next three, including a 23-7 drubbing in Game 4. The Red Sox remind me of them. Except they're down 2-0 and are able to win. That's not much comfort, but weirder things have happened... albeit with more talent at their disposal, but still. I be-lieeeeeeeeeve!


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