Postgame Spread
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Monday, October 03, 2005

Gotta Get This Over With First    

If you will humor me for a moment...

I finally get the difference between 2005 and the situations in 1978 and 1995... a playoff berth isn't on the line.  That's the only logical explanation.  After all, the Sox and Yankees did have a coin flip to decide about a division tiebreaker if it was necessary... and the Indians' decision to go home early rendered it unnecessary.  After two days of mental wrangling, it finally makes sense to me.

But the tiebreaker is still stupid.  Ties in baseball have never been broken using head-to-head matchups.  It works in the NFL because they have no other choice; the logistics would be impossible.  Not so in baseball.  Playing a 163rd game is a minor imposition; sure, you lose a day off, and the Sox don't need to add another stupid white banner when they could add a red one... but beating out the Yankees for a banner is the only thing they didn't do last year.  I would have liked to see that happen without this dumb technicality preventing it.

Without discrediting the Yankees's "division title" completely, I should acknowledge that if the Sox had not lost 10 of 19 to them, this would not have come up.  The Yankees beat us fair and square.  Additionally I credit the Yankees for winning 95 games, especially after being such worthless piece-of-shit suckbags at the beginning.  But seriously... should they be proud of themselves for being the first division winners to ignore the antiquated formality of winning more games than its opponents?  Celebrating on a technicality seems very A-Rod to me, and will be punished as such by the powers that be.  (Remember, if God didn't hate A-Rod, he wouldn't have given him those ridiculous purple lips.)


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