Ozzie Guillen got hisself into some hot water by calling Jay Mariotti a "fag."
He then, unwisely as this author would argue, defended hisself thusly:
"Guillen also told Couch that he has gay friends, attends WNBA games, went to a Madonna concert and plans to go to the Gay Games in Chicago."
What would Brodie Bruce Do?
He'd call Ozzie a closet case self loather, and Mariotti a cocknocking date rapist waste of space, which is exactly what he is.
He then, unwisely as this author would argue, defended hisself thusly:
"Guillen also told Couch that he has gay friends, attends WNBA games, went to a Madonna concert and plans to go to the Gay Games in Chicago."
What would Brodie Bruce Do?
He'd call Ozzie a closet case self loather, and Mariotti a cocknocking date rapist waste of space, which is exactly what he is.

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