Proving once and for all that Sox fans have jumped the shark, there's a Mark Bellhorn revival in New York. After being booed out of town because he couldn't hit, when actually he couldn't hit at home because of the unjustified booing (check the home/road splits for a wake-up call), he is now turning in textbook Bellhorn performances for the Yankees, hitting a home run and walking in a run last night against Oakland. I would like nothing more than for Mark Bellhorn to return to the postseason stage and do some damage, if only to punish the Red Sox Gods for turning on Bellhorn so quickly and mercilessly. You cannot understand how pissed off at my fellow Red Sox fans I am. Ashamed and embarrassed only begin to describe the situation. As if it's not hard enough for a team to repeat, now good baseball players (Foulke, Bellhorn, Renteria) are getting booed out of town, and in Bellhorn's case succeeding elsewhere. Precisely how in the hell does this help us??? I see how booing serves the insecure, miserable, self-centered, ignorant Red Sox fans (as if we have anything to boo about) but I don't see how it helps the team. Stop pretending you're so great and knowledgeable; your repeatedly inability to tolerate subpar performances proves that you're not. When is someone with authority going to lay these idiots out? It's not like Theo Epstein has to worry about alienating anyone; what better way to cement his Pimpstein legacy than to tell the fans to start acting their age? The best thing he could do for this franchise right now would be to straighten them all out. The worst fears of Red Sox Nation have come true... the Sox won the World Series, and now Sox fans are scrambling to find something to hate.
Mark Bellhorn, if you're reading this (ha): you have my permission to exact revenge however you see fit. You have earned it.
Theo the Pimpstein, if you're reading this (ha ha ha): please, for the love of God, tell us all to shut the fuck up. And if anyone complains, send Varitek to WEEI with a lead pipe.
Mark Bellhorn, if you're reading this (ha): you have my permission to exact revenge however you see fit. You have earned it.
Theo the Pimpstein, if you're reading this (ha ha ha): please, for the love of God, tell us all to shut the fuck up. And if anyone complains, send Varitek to WEEI with a lead pipe.
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