Postgame Spread
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Friday, February 03, 2006

Emergency Post!!!    

The news story of the year is hitting... Isiah Thomas actually made a good trade!!! Of course, he's taking on salary cap room that he couldn't possibly have had at his disposal. He's also dealing with Toronto, which makes this deal the NBA equivalent of selling eight units of Mountain View to Bruce and Harriet Nyborg.

At risk of sending my blogging VORP into Tony Womack YPOS!!! territory, I'd better explain that last comment. Behold, the fruits of IMDb!

Shelley Levene: I'm telling you - the one thing you can tell them is that it's a remarkable sale.
Williamson: The only thing 'remarkable' about it is who you made it to.
Shelley Levene: What the F**K does that mean?
Williamson: That if the sale sticks, it'll be a miracle.

Shelley Levene: What does that mean? Why would it not... Oh, f**k you. You do not know your job. That's what I'm saying. You do not know your job. That's what I'm saying. A man IS his job and you are F**KED at yours.

And that's all I have to say... to you.


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