So I caught the first episode of "Pros vs. Joes" last night, and here are my thoughts.
I had torn this show to shreds over the past couple months, claiming that either it would be terribly boring, or just sad to see the likes of Jerry GOAT Rice bested by a crew of obnoxious weekend warriors.
Not so.
The opening segment paired the normal guys as DBs trying to defend Rice. Keep him from scoring a touchdown, you win. Not only was no one able to do it, no one came remotely close. Rice was moving like 1/3 speed (even for him), and still made these guys look patently ridiculous.
Later segments included the chumps trying to grab 1 rebound against Dennis Rodman (they couldn't, despite the fact that Rodman was giggling the whole time), and trying to pin Goldberg (the wrestler, not the Liz).
All in all, very amusing to see a bunch of guys try their hand against some retired greats, and get beaten like drums.
But here's the thing...
The contest was who could do the best... so the normal guys weren't really competing against the pros, but each other, using the absolute 0 of their results against the pros as the yardstick. So like, whichever guy could get up quicker after losing to Goldberg and ring a bell won that round. Which meant that whichever guy Goldberg let up off the mat first would win.
Fundamentally flawed. It made the results of the competition utterly meaningless.
Still, I realized that fact immediately, and still watched for an hour.
So, the report card:
Show concept: B
Casting: A+
Execution: C- (for the meaninglessness of the competition)
Rodman shooting 18-footers while jogging on a treadmill: A+
Overall Grade: B+
P.S. Goldberg can golf. Well. Who knew?
I had torn this show to shreds over the past couple months, claiming that either it would be terribly boring, or just sad to see the likes of Jerry GOAT Rice bested by a crew of obnoxious weekend warriors.
Not so.
The opening segment paired the normal guys as DBs trying to defend Rice. Keep him from scoring a touchdown, you win. Not only was no one able to do it, no one came remotely close. Rice was moving like 1/3 speed (even for him), and still made these guys look patently ridiculous.
Later segments included the chumps trying to grab 1 rebound against Dennis Rodman (they couldn't, despite the fact that Rodman was giggling the whole time), and trying to pin Goldberg (the wrestler, not the Liz).
All in all, very amusing to see a bunch of guys try their hand against some retired greats, and get beaten like drums.
But here's the thing...
The contest was who could do the best... so the normal guys weren't really competing against the pros, but each other, using the absolute 0 of their results against the pros as the yardstick. So like, whichever guy could get up quicker after losing to Goldberg and ring a bell won that round. Which meant that whichever guy Goldberg let up off the mat first would win.
Fundamentally flawed. It made the results of the competition utterly meaningless.
Still, I realized that fact immediately, and still watched for an hour.
So, the report card:
Show concept: B
Casting: A+
Execution: C- (for the meaninglessness of the competition)
Rodman shooting 18-footers while jogging on a treadmill: A+
Overall Grade: B+
P.S. Goldberg can golf. Well. Who knew?
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