Their starters usually fail to go 6 innings. As a result, their bullpen is exhausted. I expect Proctor to hit Dr. Andrews' operating table by mid-August. They need a starter to replace Chacon, yes, but unless they follow my magic scenario that nets them both Bobby Abreu and Dontrelle Willis, it's likely that whatever starter they land won't be a revelation (hi Sid). Thus, they need middle relief, in a bad bad way.
I have a solution to this that is perfectly reasonable, and has a high likelihood for success. DON'T sign some 38 year old reclamation ex-closer. DO call up the Indians, and inquire about the Mujic Man. With the big brass balls and the rat-a-tat fastball, he's pitched 32 innings in relief this year, between AA, AAA, and the majors, and HAS YET TO ALLOW A RUN. He was barely a prospect at the start of the year, and the Indians suck this year, for some unknown reason, so i figure he could be gotten relatively cheap. Like, say, for a couple million in cash for donation to the 2007 Barry Zito sweepstakes.
I have a solution to this that is perfectly reasonable, and has a high likelihood for success. DON'T sign some 38 year old reclamation ex-closer. DO call up the Indians, and inquire about the Mujic Man. With the big brass balls and the rat-a-tat fastball, he's pitched 32 innings in relief this year, between AA, AAA, and the majors, and HAS YET TO ALLOW A RUN. He was barely a prospect at the start of the year, and the Indians suck this year, for some unknown reason, so i figure he could be gotten relatively cheap. Like, say, for a couple million in cash for donation to the 2007 Barry Zito sweepstakes.
If the Indians are struggling this year, why would they give up a young pitching prospect for cash? If anything, they want to ditch the older players (Boone, Belliard) and add depth that can be useful in the future. Are you willing to give up a legit prospect for a middle reliever? If so, I think Jim Bowden might want your number.
Jesse, at 5:28 PM
i was thinking more that this guy really isn't that much of a prospect, but is just really hot right now, so they might wanna trade him while the stock it up. Since I'm not a scout, i have no idea as to whether he really is legit, or what they'd be asking, just that this is the kind of guy they should take a shot at.
Aaron Boone has no business in a uniform.
Alex, at 8:45 AM
Yeah, I hear you, but for a middle reliever, a breakout season might be all they need. Anyway, Cleveland won't take cash for him, they'll want value in the form of another prospect. Whether you can take them to the cleaners or not is another question, but for me Shapiro might be the most dangerous guy in the league to trade with these days, maybe more than Beane. He's going to win most deals.
Jesse, at 5:02 PM
what if we send Doc Gooden and Straw to make him an offer he can't refuse?
Give us Mojito Mobutu or the Cuyahoga River will BURN!!!
Alex, at 9:24 AM
Worth mentioning that as soon as Lehr posted this, Mujica coughed up a run and lost a close game. Also gave up runs in his two appearances since. Lehr, you Gowdied him.
Jeff, at 12:27 PM
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